Our Centre
Hunt Community Childcare Centre was opened in 1987. It was previously a sessional kindergarten run by the Uniting Church.
The centre is overseen by a parent committee who ensure that the centre continues to run efficiently and smoothly. This includes being involved with activities such as fundraising, overseeing policies and procedures and general maintenance of the centre and gardens. Having parents closely involved in the day to day running of our centre creates a strong community feel that is highly valued by our families.
All parents are encouraged to become involved and there are many opportunities to do this:
as part of the committee of management
volunteering at events (e.g. sausage sizzles)
attending the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
sharing your skills/hobbies
participating in social events
helping with fundraising events
Full committee meetings are held monthly and tend to be a relatively informal and friendly gathering. If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact the Director on director@huntchildcare.org.au.